Category: 社區發展與能力建構

「康健香港」全民健體操訓練班 (油尖旺區)

有見疫情開始緩和,而大家亦在家中 WFH 良久,缺乏筋骨舒展。我們 CDI 聯同了油尖旺區議會,為大家帶來【「康健香港」全民健體操訓練班 】,我們邀請了專業教練,將會向大家教授一套能在家中進行的抗疫健體操,提升各位油尖旺區居民的免疫力,降低社區感染風險。

Engagement Evening with Peter Emerson

Whether choosing candidates for election or arriving at consensus decisions, preferential decision-making delivers the best consensus option. Pls participate and see how this can assist decision making and election operation in Hong Kong.

Participation in a preferential decision-making exercise using smart phones will be included.