「政策對話及參與」系列 – 【改善民生與財政預算案】討論會 1 (網上重溫)
【Tech-is-Cool Social Mixer】 Impact of NFT – How to Relate with Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Culture & Art and New Business Application in Metaverse NFT的力量 – 如何扣連區塊鏈、虛擬貨幣、文化藝術和元宇宙的新穎商業應用 What is NFT? Why is it interesting and important?...
【Tech is Cool Social Mixer】 We think Tech is Cool, and all tech entrepreneurs and technical people definitely think tech is important as it is shaping things around us. In the social mixer, our...
【Tech is Cool Social Mixer】 We think Tech is Cool, and all tech entrepreneurs and technical people definitely think tech is important as it is shaping things around us. In the social mixer let...
【Tech is Cool Social Mixer】 We think Tech is Cool, and all tech entrepreneurs and technical people definitely think tech is important as it is shaping things around us. In the social mixer let...