【Tech is Cool Social Mixer】Insight of Integrating Tech & Biz Model / 整合科技和生意模式的洞見

【Tech is Cool Social Mixer】

We think Tech is Cool, and all tech entrepreneurs and technical people definitely think tech is important as it is shaping things around us.

In the social mixer let us dialogue how tech and startups are important, game-changing and fun for people and society~~


Insight of Integrating Tech & Biz Model 整合科技和生意模式的洞見

Online Activity 線上活動


Guest :

Matthew Tam (CEO and Co-founder, Social Career)


Date:2021-03-30 (Tuesday)


Language : Cantonese 廣東話



Please complete the form or CLICK the link https://bit.ly/3oX3TLg

(Enrollment has been closed, update date: 30 Mar, 2021)

# This event was successfully held on 30 Mar, 2021 #


Organizer: CoolJobz

Co-organizer: Incu-Lab, Community Development Initiative (CDI)



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