【CoolJobzHRM 講座】發展你的業務:人力資源科技將會是你公司的核心

講座將會簡介人力資源市場最新發展情況以及CoolJobz HRM 在人才管理上的獨有優勢及市場價值。

參加者可免費註冊CoolJobzHRM帳戶,體驗HR Tech帶來的便利。

CoolJobzHRM 結合最新HR-Tech,簡化人力資源工作流程,提升公司營運效率,配合CoolJobz現有招聘平台的優勢,由招聘、面試紀錄開始,為企業提供一站式人才管理系統,輕鬆紀錄及分析人才資料。


Guest Speaker 嘉賓講員:

Vincent Lo (香港人力資源管理學會研究委員會委員、通訊事務管理局廣播業務守則委員會委員)

Vincent is a seasoned professional with progressive human resources management experience spanning the government, commercial and NGO sectors both locally and abroad. His expertise lies in strategizing and executing HR processes and talent management programs. Prior to taking on a management consultancy role, Vincent was the HR Director, Asia for Orbis, an international NGO focusing on eliminating avoidable blindness in developing countries, and immediately before that, he worked for Timken, a U.S. Fortune 500 company.

Vincent frequently speaks at business conferences and events and also actively participates in the enhancement of standards and knowledge for students and professionals. Currently he is a member of the Research Committee of the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management, and between 2009 and 2013, he sat on the Advisory Board of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s Department of Management and Marketing.

On the community service front, Vincent has been appointed by the HKSAR Chief Executive to the Licensing Appeal Board and he is a member of the Broadcast Codes of Practice Committee of the Communications Authority. He is also a Government-appointed IPCC Observer.

A graduate of Western University and the University of Toronto in Canada, Vincent has participated in several executive leadership programs at the University of Pittsburgh and Emory University in the United States.

Speaker 講員:

Tonio Shum (CEO, CoolJobz)

Tonio 從事營銷戰略工作 20 多年。 在過去的十年裡,他主要專注於開發人力資源管理市場。 多年來,他為20,000家公司提供人力資源管理和招聘服務,擁有豐富的經驗。

Alfred Yuen (CTO, CoolJobz)

Alfred創業有十多年,主力企業資源系統 ERP 及企業流程系統。近年專注開發網上資料庫平台 web database 及商業雲端軟件服務 Corporate Cloud SaaS。曾經協助跨國企業、非政府組織、大學、上市公司、公用機構及中小企,設計的方案及系統涉及的活躍用戶以百萬計。


日期: 2021-10-26 (Tuesday)

時間: 7:00pm

地點: InnoSpace, 2/F On Tin Center, 1 Sheung Hei Street, San Po Kong

語言: 廣東話





Incu-Lab 創格工舫

Community Development Initiative 社區發展動力

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