Mark your calendar! Our ICE Days 2017 is COMING AGAIN and SOON! (as part of StartmeupHK Festival 2017 organised by InvestHK) Stay tuned!
Mark your calendar! Our ICE Days 2017 is COMING AGAIN and SOON! (as part of StartmeupHK Festival 2017 organised by InvestHK) Stay tuned!
All local and global change-makers, ICE Days is BACK! 5 Days! 5 Topics! 21 Speakers! Join us now to understand more about the rapid development of the startup scene in Hong Kong and Asia!...
DCC 6.0:Emigration from Facebook and the Rise of Writer-Rewarded Contents 「數碼社區聚腳點」6.0:從臉書外移潮到寫手有賞內容之崛起 Kin Ko 高重建 Co-founder, LikeCoin and Lakoo LikeCoin創辦人、拉闊遊戲 創辦人 Kin KO is the Co-founder of LikeCoin, the social currency for user generated contents....
One of the major challenges a successful Tech x Social innovation change-maker must overcome is to create and maintain a sustaining business model. Incu-Lab is hosting a dialogue event about Tech x Social innovation...
創格工房將於數碼港的「2015全球創業週中國站 – 香港」活動中,舉辦一個有關數碼社群發展的交流會,是為數碼社群俱樂部2015秋季講座。 在是次交流會中,不同數碼社群管理人會分享他們如何透過數碼媒體培養社群成員及爭取他們支持的心德,檢視新趨勢和模式的發展,並想像如何有效地在不同議題的社群參與者之間,建立更緊密的聯繫和團結精神。歡迎所有數碼管理人和有興趣的相關人士參加! 是次交流會以由創格工房會員運作的「社交媒體俱樂部﹣香港分部」的名義舉辦。社交媒體俱樂部是全球最大的社交媒體平台,亦是數碼媒體俱樂部的主辦者。在不久的將來,創格工房會推出更多有關數碼和社交媒體管理的活動,以協助數碼社群的進一步發展,為協調員、管理人、公民和不同社群的成員等充權。 Incu-Lab is hosting a dialogue event about digital community development as a part of 2015 Global Entrepreneurship Week China – Hong Kong in Cyberport. This dialogue is a Digital...
On Nov 15 (Tue) 7-9pm, Incu-Lab successfully hosted E2 Tech X Social: Innovation for Inclusive Society – Keys and Opportunities, a fruitful dialogue event about “Tech X Social” Entrepreneurship as a part of 2016...
With the generous encouragement and solid support offered by our Sponsors and Partners, Incu-Lab successfully held ICE PITCH @FinTech Startups on Nov 4-7, achieving intellectual enlightenment and fruitful results as well as attracting attention from the Government...
Incu-Lab would like to invite you to attend E2 Tech X Social: Innovation for Inclusive Society – Keys and Opportunities, an event as a part of Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) organised by Cyberport Hong Kong on...
由創格工房(Incu-Lab)主辦、Missolink協辦的「數碼社區聚腳點 4.0:O2O用家互動與社群深耕」(DCC 4.0: O2O USER ENGAGEMENT & SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY BUILDING)已於星期一(11月14日)下午7時至10時在觀塘 Missolink Co-working Space順利完滿舉行! 創格工房感謝數碼港邀請,於「2016全球創業週」活動中舉辦這個有關O2O用家互動 (User Engagaement)與數碼社群深耕 (Digital Community Management) 的交流會,歡迎所有數碼社群管理人和從事有關市場推廣的人士參加。研討會當日有逾30人出席,場面非常熱鬧!不同數碼社群管理達人分享了他們如何透過數碼媒體的互動培養社群和爭取成員支持的心得,並探索了O2O的新趨勢和模式發展,在不同產品、服務和議題的社群參與者之間建立更緊密的聯繫! 是次交流會以由創格工房會員運作的「社交媒體俱樂部 - 香港分部」的名義舉辦。「社交媒體俱樂部」是全球最大的社交媒體平台,亦是數碼媒體俱樂部的主辦者。透過舉辦「數碼社區聚腳點」,創格工房將會推出更多有關數碼和社交媒體管理的活動,致力推動: 多元化平台 - 個人和商業品牌、法定機構、半政府組織和公關營銷機構: -討論社交和數位媒體的趨勢和相關政策 -與觀眾、用戶和各持份者進行互動 -討論廣闊的數碼營銷(Digital Marketing),透過電子儀器進行的市場營銷,如網上、手提電話、電子屏幕等 培育數碼社群和營銷社群,尤其是培訓非專業人員 推動媒體素養和道德操守,分享典範經驗,遵守行業標準 最後,創格工房再次感謝Missolink、數碼港、一眾支持機構、教育伙伴和媒體伙伴的鼎力支持和鼓勵,令交流會得以順利舉行。現在,讓我們現在重溫當日的高潮迭起精彩時刻吧!
Are you an innovative FinTech startup looking for idea, business or technology breakthrough while creating social change? Are you an individual / a university student passionate about FinTech and looking for opportunity to collaborate with...