Using Wikis and Social Media for Non-Profit Organisations


Seminar- Using Wikis and Social Media for Non-Profit Organisations

Managing knowledge and information in non-profit organisations and networks has been greatly facilitated by a wide array of social technologies which support internal and external communication and information sharing.

Wikis in particular are one of the most popular tool to enable a community to generate and maintain content, and offer a collaborate workspace and project management tool where teams can author content or coordinate activities and tasks with confidence that the information is up to date.


Wikis are a type of social software that makes it easy to communicate online. As simple to edit as it is to read, the wiki makes for a useful online collaboration tool and a simple but effective way to share content and information both inside their organisation and out.

Despite the ease of use, organizations still need to develop an overall strategy for managing information and knowledge, educating and engaging members and external stakeholders to contribute and use the collaborative environment.


We would like to invite you to discuss on how to use social media as knowledge management environment, and have invited the following speakers to share some insights.


Sharing Guests

  1. Bernd Rutzmoser, Netdimensions, on using Confluence wiki
  2. Waltraut Ritter, Research Director, Knowledge Dialogues & Policy Researcher of CDI
  3.  Joanne Ooi, CEO, Clean Air Network

Date:      November 13, 2010 (Saturday)

Time:      3:00pm-5:00pm

Venue:      CDI Seminar Room (Room 2102, 21/F, 148 Electric Road, Tin Hau, Hong Kong. For direction, please click here.)

Medium: English (No translation provided)

Fee:  100HKD (including coffee/tea/refreshments, pay at the door)

To enroll, please click here. 



*Seats are limited, walk-in guests may not be entertained.
** If typhoon signal no. 8 or above is hoisted or black rainstorm signal is in force 2 hours before the starting time of the captioned event, the event will be postponed.

Enquiry: / 2123 – 1705

Confirmation email would be sent to sender email 1 day before the event.
Application Deadline: November 12,  2010


To enroll, please click here. 

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