Incu-Lab ICE CLUB: Run Coffee Business with Innovative Ideas 咖啡生意創意攪



這次Incu-Lab ICE Club邀請了首位於中國及香港獲得美國精品咖啡協會SCAA及咖啡質量研究所CQI 認證的 CQI Licensed Q Grader杯測裁判及咖啡鑑定師資格的葉文正Dixon Ip,他同時是COFFEE Lab Asia及Xen Coffee的創辦人,分享在香港推廣優質精緻咖啡知識與技術和發展精品咖啡市場的心得。


Coffee is as addictive as having attractive magic.

Since the trend of drinking coffee becomes more popular, the market has a huge potential with steady raising demand and better quality coffee. Specialty coffee is also resulted with the most rapid growth in catering services.

Incu-Lab ICE Club will invite Dixon Ip, the first certified CQI Licensed Q Grader in China & Hong Kong by Coffee Quality Institute (CQI) and the founder of COFFEE Lab Asia & Xen Coffee, to share his experience and insight of becoming an entrepreneur in this newly developed coffee industry.

Join us and take a sip!

Date日期:  2014.9.22 (Monday 星期一)

Time時間:  7p.m. – 8:30p.m.

Venue地點:  Incu-Labspace,Unit 2102, 148 Electric Road, Tin Hau, Hong Kong
香港天后電氣道148號21樓 2102室 創格空間


Enquiry查詢:         3171-7624 /

Organizers 主辦單位:  Incu-Lab, Incu-Labspace

Supporting Organizer:  SME Creativity Center, HKGoodJobs, CoolJobz

Incu-Lab is an org that push innovation & change-making entrepreneurship in HK & Asia, your support is needed for its capacity building, education, idea generation, mentoring and impact investment works. (Contribution box will be set on that day for you to support us, or you may contact us at 3171 7624 regarding contribution).

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