Category: 講座及研討會

CDI【知識社區共享】 – 「靈感工作坊:釋放你的戲劇創造力」


Engagement Evening: Housing Needs of HK Citizens & Living Arrangement in Improving Living Standard of Grassroot

Through this sharing and engagement, we hope that all participants can have deep communication, can be empowered by gathering knowledge, ideas and opinions, and together can act as think-tank and do-tank to create a development roadmap and better future for Hong Kong

Engagement Evening: Living Arrangement of Grassroot & Middle Class and Problem Solving thru Social Innovation Thinking

Through this sharing and engagement, we hope that all participants can have deep communication, can be empowered by gathering knowledge, ideas and opinions, and together can act as think-tank and do-tank to create a development roadmap and better future for Hong Kong.



「政策對話及參與」系列 –【改善民生與財政預算案】討論會 2 (網上重溫)


「政策對話及參與」系列 – 【改善民生與財政預算案】討論會 2


「政策對話及參與」系列 – 【改善民生與財政預算案】討論會 1 (網上重溫)
