Category: 最新消息

[Event Review] DCC 6.0:Emigration from Facebook and the Rise of Writer-Rewarded Contents / 「數碼社區聚腳點」6.0:從臉書外移潮到寫手有賞內容之崛起

感謝高重建與一大班朋友分享LikeCoin背後的意義。 為創作者帶來收入,為創作者創造一個健康的生態圈。 DCC 6.0:Emigration from Facebook and the Rise of Writer-Rewarded Contents 「數碼社區聚腳點」6.0:從臉書外移潮到寫手有賞內容之崛起 Kin Ko  高重建 Co-founder, LikeCoin and Lakoo LikeCoin創辦人、拉闊遊戲 創辦人 Kin KO is the Co-founder of LikeCoin, the social currency for user...

Arrow4Star Career Fair 星箭升級人才招聘會

《星箭升級人才招聘會》是香港投資推廣署舉辦的 FinTech Education Week 活動之一 “Arrow4Star” Career Fair is as a part of  FinTech Education Week organized by InvestHK 星箭升級人才招聘會 事業人才創新               企業高質發展   Co-creative platform for innovative enterprises and creative minds...

「數碼社區聚腳點」5.0:社群攪手和初創如何與外界互動 DCC5.0: How Startups and Project Leaders Engage

DCC 5.0 is part of HKSAR Govt. OGCIO’s IT Fest 2017 在「數碼社區聚腳點」5.0,不同數碼社群管理達人將會分享他們如何透過數碼媒體的互動培養社群和爭取成員支持的心得,會議讓參加者交流意見,探討如何透過社交媒體把不同見解的人士連結起來。 同時,是次交流會以由創格工房會員運作的「社交媒體俱樂部﹣香港分部」的名義舉辦。在不久的將來,創格工房會推出更多有關數碼和社交媒體管理的活動,以協助數碼社群的進一步發展,為協調員、管理人、公民和不同社群的成員等充權。 DCC 5.0 is a dialogue event among digital community managers of different sorts about digital community development (i.e. how to make...


Incu-Lab is jointly organizing the Mentoring Session with HKTDC as well as arranging Mentors (for Mentoring Session) and Investors / Accessors (for Startup Pitching Session) in the Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Spring Edition) X...

INTERNATIONAL ICT Expo: Startups Pitching

Incu-Lab is jointly organizing the Mentoring Session with HKTDC as well as supporting the Startup Pitching Session (organized by HKBAN) in admitting in the Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Spring Edition) X International ICT Expo...