Engagement Evening: Living Arrangement of Grassroot & Middle Class and Problem Solving thru Social Innovation Thinking

Engagement Evening
HK Development & Transformation Series

The world’s economic and social situation is ever-changing. As one of Asia’s international financial, commercial and professional service centres, how should Hong Kong adjust, despite its advantages and good circumstances in the past decades, to face challenges of industrial transformation, competition of Asian cities, the epidemic, changes in human talents, technology development, etc.?

We sincerely invite friends from all walks of life to come and engage in dialogue, and explore various possibilities for Hong Kong’s development and transformation together!



“Discussion & Innovative Thoughts on HK Housing: Living Arrangement of Grassroot & Middle Class Living and the Solution thru Social Innovation Thinking”

Housing issues are the most important issues in Hong Kong’s people’s livelihood policies. All successive chief executives and governments have made this the most important policy arrangement. Over the years, various parties have proposed many proposals, such as the development of simple public housing, the development of the northern metropolitan area, land reclamation on Lantau tomorrow, various methods to speed up applicants to move into public housing, encouraging public housing tenants to hand over their homes, and subsidizing the sale of houses. Arrangements, etc., the government also regularly updates the long-term housing strategy, and various civil society organizations and think tanks also often make suggestions.

– What are the core issues of living in Hong Kong?

– Can each policy address specific problem areas?

– Can the current policy arrangements be integrated to solve Hong Kong’s housing and housing problems?

– Are there any innovative ways to improve the quantity and quality of housing, and use innovative thinking to make breakthrough proposals and practices?

Through this sharing and engagement, we hope that all participants can have deep communication, can be empowered by gathering knowledge, ideas and opinions, and together can act as think-tank and do-tank to create a development roadmap and better future for Hong Kong.


– 究竟香港的居住核心問題是甚麼?

– 各政策能否針對特定問題所在?

– 現時各政策安排整合起來能否解決香港的房屋和居住問題?

– 有甚麼創新方法去提高房屋的量和質、以創新思維去作突破性的提案和實踐?

希望藉是次分享對話讓大家交流,凝聚想法和意見,由think-tank到 do-tank,為香港創未來~

Insight Sharing

Frederick Fung 馮檢基

– Former Member, Legislative Council 前立法會議員

– Former Member, Housing Authority 前房屋委員會委員

– Online Radio Commentator 網台評論員

Event Detail

Date :  6th Jul, 2024 (Sat)

Time : 2:00pm

Venue : 5/F., United Centre, 95 Queeensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong

Language : 

Sharing: Cantonese (with Simultaneous Interpretation: Cantonese to English)

Dialogue & Q&A: Cantonese, English & Mandarin

Remark: Refreshments will be provided at the event


This event was successfully held on 6 July, 2024



Community Development Initiative




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