Engagement Evening – Hong Kong DNA and Hong Kong Branding: Aspects of Competitive Advantage and Innovation Development

Engagement Evening 

Hong Kong Development & Transformation Series

The world’s economic and social situation is ever-changing. As one of Asia’s international financial, commercial and professional service centres, how should Hong Kong adjust, despite its advantages and good circumstances in the past decades, to face challenges of industrial transformation, competition of Asian cities, the epidemic, changes in human talents, technology development, etc.?

We sincerely invite friends from all walks of life to come and engage in dialogue, and explore various possibilities for Hong Kong’s development and transformation together!

“Hong Kong DNA and Hong Kong Branding: Aspects of Competitive Advantage and Innovation Development”

Hong Kong has always been a city of free trade and flexible, fast business dealing. Hong Kong people and foreigners who come to Hong Kong to work and do business all like to innovate and try new ideas here, and people enjoy the environment of quick implementation and courageous experiment. The DNA accumulated and integrated by people from all walks of life in Hong Kong over the years has formed the special branding of “Hong Kong”.

The convergence of ancient and modern culture, as well as Chinese and Western cultures, allows friends from all sectors and backgrounds living in Hong Kong to enjoy working, starting a business and living here, while experiencing the efficient life of the city and the quiet landscape of the nearby country side, at the same time also appreciating the latest modern international lifestyle and the century-old Lingnan cultural tradition.

Globalization has caused the current situation to move at a high speed, and the interaction between political, economic and social conditions has caused social development and people’s lives to be affected by a large number of factors, and Hong Kong’s development is inevitably under pressure. Facing various challenges such as industrial transformation, emergence of more big Asian cities, the epidemic, changes in human talents, technological development, and changes in Hong Kong’s internal and external situations, can Hong Kong maintain its competitive advantages and uniqueness? Can Hong Kong find out her brightness and special positioning in the world in the face of the potential reverse transformation of globalization? Maintaining Hong Kong’s DNA and Hong Kong branding and finding an acceleration engine for innovation and creativity are the directions that we are all working hard to think about.

As a scholar and former senior government official who cares about Hong Kong’s development, Professor Anthony Bing-leung Cheung has written series of articles in recent years, talking about both macro and micro aspects, Hong Kong’s competitive advantages and disadvantages, as well as the structure of Hong Kong development and various psychological aspects of the people. Through this sharing and engagement, we hope that all participants can have deep communication, can be empowered by gathering knowledge, ideas and opinions, and together can act as think-tank and do-tank to create a development roadmap and better future for Hong Kong.


Engement Evening








張炳良教授作為關心香港發展的學者和前政府高官,近年寫了多篇文章,既談宏觀也談微觀,談香港的優勢進退,也談香港發展的結構和各個精神面貌。希望藉是次分享對話讓大家交流,凝聚想法和意見,由think-tank到 do-tank,為香港創未來~


Event Detail:


  • Former Secretary for Transport and Housing, HKSAR
  • Former President of the EdUHK (then known as Hong Kong Institute of Education)
  • Adjunct Professor, Division of Public Policy, HKUST

Date: 4th Dec, 2023 (Mon)

Time: 7:00pm

Venue: PwC, 21/F., Edinburgh Tower, The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Road Central, Central


  • Sharing: Cantonese (with Simultaneous Interpretation: Cantonese to English)\
  • Dialogue & Q&A: Cantonese, English & Mandarin


Commiunity Development Initiative



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