「政策對話及參與」系列 從碼頭工潮看香港勞工保障




日期: 2013年4月29日(星期一)

時間: 下午6時30分至8時30分

地點: 天后電氣道148號21樓2102室

社區發展動力培育(CDI)為非牟利機構,致力於政策研究、公眾教育、倡議、社區服務等活動,有賴各方支持。(當日設置捐款箱,方便大家踴躍支持,大家亦可致電3114 0784安排郵寄捐款)


Engagement Evening with Mr. Leung Yiu Chung, Legislative Councilor

From Dock Strike to Labour Policy in Hong Kong

Engagement Evening, the new public engagement series organized by Community Development Initiative, is honored to have the Mr. Leung Yiu Chung, Legislative Councillor, to be our keynote speaker.

The dock strike has been continuing for nearly a month. This arouses public concern about dockers’ working condition and the loophole of current labour policy.

The labour policy in Hong Kong is far from satisfactory when compared with most developed countries, with no right to collective bargaining, no substantial right to strike and no standard working hours.

In the era of globalization, out-sourcing is commonly found not only in business sector, but also in universities and government. Mr. Leung Yiu Chung would share with us his view on the impact of out-sourcing as well as the possible reform of labour policy in Hong Kong.

Date: April 29, 2013 (Monday)

Time: 6:30PM – 8:30PM

Venue: Room 2102, 148 Electric Road, 148 Electric Road, Tin Hau, Hong Kong

CDI is a non-profit making organization and your support is needed for policy research, education and advocacy works. (We will set a donation box at the venue and your contribution is mostly welcomed. You could also support our works by contacting us at 3114 0784 for arranging mailing cheque payment.)

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